Reliable Contract Solutions extensive recruiting process to deliver you the talent you require
Our 24 by 7 hi-tech skilled staffing services gives our clients broader access
to staff who can supplement their needs on a more economic, convenient, and flexible basis. We work with you to understand the specific requirement
you need for your project and/or integration with your existing
business platforms or applications, and/or in need for support; RCS has a full team of engineers, consultants, developers, and support staff.
You as a customer can be assured that the people we assign to your facility have been carefully screened, reference checked, oriented and selected.We customize our screening process to meet our client’s requirements. Critical components of the process may include the following, depending on assignment requirements;

All employees/consultants are interviewed

Positive ID

Indivaulized skills test

Comprehensive review of education and experience

Licensed/Degree verification

Certifications review

Drug Screen

Each consultant is evaluated on a regular basis

Criminal and Civil Check

Customized and/or additional screening

Minimum of Two Professioinal Refereinces
Reliable Contract Solutions is a consulting company with a team of professionals to support your projects and all your staffing needs!
Partner with us and unlock the full power of Reliable Contract Solutions that will take your organization to the next level!